When you hire us, WE go to court so YOU don't have to.
In fact, you never have to leave home. You can hire us online 24/7 even if you MISSED your court date.
Just paying the ticket and taking a conviction can cause your insurance to go up by hundreds of dollars per year.
Fighting the ticket can save you $$$
We offer transparent flat-rate pricing (based on the court and number of tickets) with a 100% money back guarantee.
We'll give you a full refund if we can't keep the ticket off your record.
Judge: Hon. Sylvia M. Ruiz
3505 Pleasanton Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78221
Phone: (210) 335-4500
Web: https://www.bexar.org/3148/Precinct-1-Place-1
For traffic tickets and warrants in Bexar County Precinct 1, one of our experienced traffic ticket lawyers can go to court so you don’t have to. Don’t miss time from work or school to spend hours in court. You can hire us without ever leaving home. Here are just some of the benefits of hiring us to handle your ticket:
Know that an experienced San Antonio traffic ticket lawyer is working on your case.
Hire us in person, online, or by phone.
Avoid Court
Never leave home to fight your ticket.
Protect your driving record (our job is to keep the ticket off your driving record).
Get the ticket resolved sooner (we don’t have to wait until your court date).
When you pay the fine directly, you are admitting guilt and receiving a conviction on your driving record. This can lead to points added to your driver’s license by DPS, possible license surcharges, suspension, and increased insurance premiums. Even if you don’t hire an attorney, we usually recommend that you go fight your ticket in court rather than paying it directly.
Yes! It's never too late for us to represent you. If your court date is today, please complete the online hiring application and call us at (210) 967-6500. We'll send a letter of representation to the court ASAP and ask for the court to "reset" your court date. This should prevent a warrant from being issued and should give us plenty of time to handle your ticket.
It's never too late for us to help with your ticket. As long as a warrant has not been issued, we can take care of your ticket for our regular price. If a warrant has been issued, there may be an additional fee for us to represent you.
No! When you hire us, you can do it all online through https://traffictickettx.com/hire/. All we need is the information you enter on that page. Once we receive your payment, we’ll send you a confirmation email and start working on your case. We’ll email you the paperwork showing that the ticket has been taken care of.
No. Attorneys are allowed to handle tickets in court every day. We can start fighting your ticket the day you receive it and we can usually have it resolved in 1-5 days without you ever leaving home.
Yes. If your ticket is in San Antonio Municipal Court or Bexar County Justice of the Peace Courts, we can look it up. Just give us a call at (210) 967-6500 and we'll search for your ticket at no cost.
For many of our clients, we can get tickets resolved in a 5 days or less. However, busy court schedules and backlogs can result in longer wait times. Don't worry if your court date is coming up. Once we notify the court that we're representing you, your ticket will be moved into a holding phase and we'll get a new court date. You won't have to worry about a missed court date or a warrant being issued.
Yes! If we are unable to get your ticket penalty reduced from a conviction, we will refund your money in full.
Texas courts do not allow drivers with CDLs to have their tickets dismissed through plea bargaining, deferred disposition, or defensive driving courses. Most CDL tickets require substantial legal work and some require an appeal to the county court. Due to the amount of time and expertise involved in handling CDL cases, we charge $1,500.00 plus court costs. Please contact us to discuss your case.
In most cases, no, but it depends. Texas courts require everyone under 25 years of age to take a driver safety course as a condition of having their ticket dismissed. If you are over 25 years of age, the court will not make you take the course. However, if your speed exceeded 25mph above the speed limit, the court may want you to take the course as a condition of dismissing your ticket.
Yes, we have secured our website with an SSL certificate. We also do not distribute your information and we keep everything confidential. We only use your information to take care of your ticket.